Will Obama be ‘elected’ at the Galaxy Book Awards?

Best-selling book

Best-selling book




US President Obama is upagainst some stiff competition against literary giants Rose Tremain and Dawn French at this years Galaxy Book Awards. The US President is up for two nods with his political memoir ‘The Audacity of Hope’ and his best-selling biography ‘Dreams of My Father’ respectively. Other authors nominated for the prestigious book award include Oscar-nominated actress Julie Walters for her best-selling autobiography Thats Another Story and the queen-of-literature JK Rowling for her childrens book ‘The Tales of Beedie the Bard’.

Stiff competition for Obama

Stiff competition for Obama

The question is will he be able to ‘thrash’ his opponents, just like McCaine?.  Vote for your favourate books at www.galaxybritishbookawards.com

Scientists cheer at Obama’s stem cell reversal

US President Obama has ended Bush’s 8-year ban on stem cell research. Obama has lifted all the restrictions on federal funding as he vowed to ”vigorously support” for research on new stem cell lines. Obama said he was authorising a change “so many scientists and researchers and doctors and innovators, patients and loved ones have hoped for and fought for these past eight years”. A move which the American public have been widely in favour of for sometime and has lead some scientists to predict that the reseach will lead to medical breakthroughs.

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

Bush – one of the least popular Ex-Presidents of all time – banned the use of any government money to fund reseatch on human embryonic stem cell research. This may have been due to his, and the country’s largly religious population’s, opposition to it. However, recent opinion polls suggest that that view has changed to being in favour of the research.

Obama Attempts Muslim Reconciliation in Turkey

Obama will visit Turkey

Obama will visit Turkey

Barack Obama has stuck to his promise to help reconcile the tensions with the Muslim world by making a visit to Turkey. Barack Obama is expected to travel to Turkey after the G20 global summit in London on April 2nd inbetween visits to France, Germany and the Czech Republic. He promised during his elecction campaign to make a speech from a major Muslim country in his first 100 days in office.

Americas relationship with the Muslim was ruined by Bush and Tony Blairs false ‘war on terror’. Thus Barack Obamas attempts may signal the beginning of a new relationship.

Etta James slams Beyonce and Obama

The Old and The New

The Old and The New

Soul legend Etta James has slammed the US President Barack Obama labelling him a ‘monkey’. During a concert performance she said ‘he aint my president, he may be yours, but not mine’.

Her anger is the result of Obama not asking superstar Beyonce to sing Etta Jame’s signature song ‘At Last’ at the inaguaration, instead of Etta herself. Beyonce was not spared by Etta, as she called Beyonce a ‘hoe’ and threatened she would ‘woop her ass’.

The media has been discussing Etta’s behaviour, and I, personally am disgusted with her. First of all Etta did not write At Last, nor was she the perform the single – as Soul Legends Nat King Cole performed the song before her. Although, yes it was Etta’s version that we all came to grow and love, she should have been more graceful. Obama wanted someone young, hip and there is no musician currently more famous than Beyonce – which would pretty much guarantee viewing figures aslo. Etta jealously is not an attractive quality.

Gordon Brown Sucks Up To Obama

Brown gushed and spent much of the time sucking up to the Americans as he spoke of that ”special relationship” between the two nations. He said: ”You now have the most pro-American European leadership in living memory – There is no old Europe, or new Europe, just your friends.’

Browns special friendship

Brown's ''special friendship''

Speaking at the US congress, Gordon Brown delivered one of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable-to-watch speeches of recent years. He described Americans as: ‘the indispensable and irrepressible nation’ as he begged the US to help in the Britain’s current recession – which he said is now ‘in need of help and hope [from America].’

On the war in Afghanistan where the US and UK fought ‘side by side’, Brown called the friendship between Britain and the US as ‘unbreakable’. His relentless praise was also bestowed on Barack Obama. He asked for the American people to let Obama and his government lead the country. He said of the US president: ‘now more than ever the whole world wants to work with you’. However his ‘friendship’ with Obama maybe in its early stages just yet as Obama allegedly minimized the meeting time with the British PM. Ouch!

This meeting between the British PM and the US president could only be likened to that of a pop star and her number one fan. Although all of Gordon Brown’s ‘sucking up’ may have done the trick as he received a standing ovation numerous times. His announcement that Queen was to bestow a knighthood on Edward Kennedy, the veteran Democrat senator and a friend of Brown also won around of applause.

Obama Dumps Brown for Blair


Obama dumps Brown for Balir

Obama dumps Brown for Balir

Gordon Brown who has prided himself on his ‘friendship’ with the US president Obama maybe feeling a little bit neglected.  Barack Obama has arranged to meet Tony Blair ahead of  Gordon Brown when the US President arrives in Britian. Mr Obama will fly into Britain for a meeting at his London hotel with Mr Blair first to discuss the Middle East. He will then meet with Gordon Brown the following day at Downing Street but has declined to take part in a televised press conference with the Prime Minister. Downing Street appears cool about the Democratic senator’s schedule, but privately they must be dismayed that Mr Blair has upstaged his successor.

To add insult to injury, it has been revealed that President Obama has cancelled a full-on two hour press conference with the British PM in favour of a short 30 minute long Q&A with journalists instead. Reasons for this snub are not yet certain, although is has been alleged that the recent snow falls is one possible excuse. No reason was given as to why the press conference couldnt happen else where, or even in the White House.

The Guardian reported that Brown’s officials have tried to play down the snub, and gave this statement.

Brown intends to persuade Obama that America needs to swing behind the prime minister’s plan to reform international financial regulation and clean up debt-ridden banks. Brown was accorded the rare honour of being invited to address a joint session of Congress tomorrow.

Cheer up Gordon, theres always the French.

Obama to pull out of Iraq

President Obama has vowed to withdraw most troops out of Iraq by 2010.  He announced that the ”Combat Mission” would officialy end in August next year. Over 150,000 soldiers were sent to Iraq since the alleged ”war on terror” induced by Bush and side-kick Blair in May 2003. The casualties and death toll are large, thirty-one soldiers were killed in 2008 alone. So the news may come as a comfort to the Iraqi’s and the family’s of the soldiers.

US Soldiers in Iraq

US Soldiers in Iraq

However, upto 50.000 soldiers will still remain in Iraq untill the end of 2011. Obama has said that it would be in the ”best interests of the Americans”. He praised the the progress on security made but also warned that ”Iraq is not secure, and there will be difficult days ahead”.

Many politicians have supported Obamas pull out of Iraq, but surely keeping another 50,000 troops in the US is not the same as ‘ending occupation’ now is it?

“Obama is our King, our Mandella” – Really?

I am sure that some of you, like myself, are slightly cynical and bored of the relentless – and rather embarassing – praise which has been bestowed on the ‘heroic’  US President Barack Obama.  In a recent blog by acclaimed novelist Alice Walker, she described Obama as being ‘stunningly human, like King and Mandela was’.  The absurdity of this comment is both laughable and to many, offensive. To mention Obama in the same breath as those iconic hero’s who have revolutionised the world, is quite simply ludicrous. These men have survived victimisation, and through their struggles have helped changed the world. Now is it really wise to compare a currently ‘trendy-to-like-president’ with those legendary figures?

Now, I for one absolutely believe that Obama was the right person to win the presidential election. Infact, as soon as McCaine promised to ‘continue Bush’s policies’, was the second he was out. The world is trying to undo the damage that Bush’s disastrous policies have caused, not repeat them. And Hilary Clinton clearly just wanted to be president. No idea’s and no integrity. Just a little princess, who wanted that crown. You can can just see her on the cover of some women’s magazine with the heading: ‘My life as a female president’. Obama was by far the right man for the job.

However, to label this man before he has even steped foot in the White House as a ‘hero’ is to say the least, premature. As a young black man myself, I can appreciate his achievements. Becoming the first black President is historical. But to be honest, I, like most people, am just glad to see the back of Bush. Surely nobody can be as unintelligent, Zionistic, unpopular or as corrupt as the Bush administration. So one can only remain optimistic and hopeful for a better change.

I think a major problem is that we’re now living in a society where the terms ‘hero’ and ‘legend’ are so loosely thrown about to any ‘here-today-gone-tomorrow’ public figure. Praise is too easily won or lost – depending on the mood of the press. ‘Legend’ was once a term applied exclusively to those truly distinguished and accomplished figures who have made outstanding contributions in their chosen field. The revolutionary Che Guevara, the genius Albert Einsteen, the poet Bob Dylan and Oscar-winning acting royalty Vanessa Redgrave, are all worthy legends to name just a few. Martin Luther King and Neslon Mandella are too ‘Legends’ and have earnt peoples respect and admiration. Obama has not.

The truth of the matter is, we dont really know what sort of President he will be. He may make great choices, but then again he may be disastrous. To call Obama a hero just because of the pigmentation of his skin is ignorance. He is still being pre-judged by his race, regardless if its favouratism or racism. Only if, and once Obama has proved himself, and has made the changes he has promised, should he be worthy of all this praise. But lets not become disillusioned. Let us all, in the words of Martin Luther King:

 “Judge a man by the content of his character, and not by the colour of his skin”.

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